Aurora Cañero

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-03-26 om 18.43.56


Aurora Cañero (°1940 Madrid, Spain)

A concern for sculpture and the desire to use it to represent mankind form the backbones running through the work of Aurora Cañero. Through the especially subtle narrative tendency in her work, Aurora Cañero’s pieces define a small world in which things happen that are on the edge of the fantastic, or at least the unusual. Dreaming and curiosity are subjective states that define Aurora Cañero’s sculptures.

The use of pedestals as part of the rhetoric of her works is particularly significant in Cañero’s aesthetic system: ladder, hoops, diving boards, boats resting on their oars, rectangular shapes on which the figures stand.

In her long career Aurora Cañero has worked with different leading galleries from around the world and her work has been exhibited in several museums and major art fairs worldwide.

Aurora Cañero - Works

Socorristas de Biarritz XII

Socorristas de Biarritz II

Mare Nostrum I

Siderolitos III

Querer no es poder

Caminando juntos

Coleccionista de estrellas II

Paris III

Paris II

Paris I

Escalera Hombre V

Coleccionista de estrellas

Aurora Cañero - Video's